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Hamlin Park Taxpayers and Community Association Strategic Plan 2021


Our Strengths, Weaknesses, Opportunities and Threats



  1. Strong volunteer base

  2. Solid group of Single and Two-Family homes, 2 areas of specific affordable apartments

  3. Hamlin Park has a range of resources located in or close: 8 Churches, Former YMCA, Boys & Girls Club, Head Start Centers, 4 Day Care Centers, 2 business districts, Public Library, 2 Public Schools (K-8), NFTA, Apollo Center, Challenger Newspaper, NAACP Headquarters, Black Achievers Museum, Workforce Development Center, Comprehensive Center for Special Needs Employees, Small Business Center and 3 Banks locations

  4. Wide range of private sector resources – Cansius College, National Grid, Sisters Hospital, TOPS Supermarket, 5 small corner stores, 2 music schools, historic cemetery, food pantry

  5. Board has diverse views and ideas

  6. Continuing communications with City, County and State governments

  7. Designated central headquarters

  8. New families moving into neighborhood

  9. Strong participation in big events

  10. Historic Preservation District


  1. Poor cross-neighborhood communications (word of mouth, Internet, etc.) regarding available services, programs, and protective help

  2. Not enough interest by neighbors to serve on Board or Block Clubs

  3. Low participation in ongoing neighborhood activities

  4. Areas of neighborhood lack regular attention such as high-traffic corners and backyards

  5. Low level investment by banks for mortgages, home improvement loans and free- standing beautification initiatives

  6. Decreasing number of block clubs and leaders

  7. Neighbors often feel like they are alone in addressing problems

  8. Lack of leadership training programs for new potential leaders

  9. Unreliable infrastructure – high water table throughout neighborhood electrical “Brown-Outs, dangling electrical sidewalk fixtures, unreliable internet services

  10. Loud, high pollution producing Route #33 expressway has led to sicknesses and deaths of many residents

  11. Lack of retail services causing residents to seek services outside of the neighborhood

  12. Rental by investors of homes that do not meet City Codes to unprepared tenants

  13. Local Housing laws/Policies and Housing Court not able to respond to current challenges


  1. Building of In-fill homes district-wide

  2. Welcome strategies with on-going coaching of tenants regarding home safety and maintenance

  3. Drawing new businesses to Jefferson Avenue that reflect the range of absent services such as laundromats, women’s clothing and/or in-dining restaurants, small postal service

  4. Coordinated support for long-term homeowners and tenants to bring homes up to City Code and specific services that assist elderly to AGE-IN-PLACE

  5. Designated team of volunteers and partners to maintain high traffic areas and play areas

  6. Increased neighborhood support of Hamlin Park neighborhood schools

  7. Improvements to electrical grid and internet services

  8. Improved Housing Policies and redirection of Housing Court that allows neighborhoods to assist in maintaining housing stock and community peace



  1. Aging housing structures along with advancing average age of neighborhood homeowners

  2. Crime and drugs increasing deepening FEAR among all residents

  3. Lack of trust among long time and new homeowners

  4. Turnover of homes to renters not prepared to be caretakers of properties and land

  5. No real economic development plan driven by neighborhood residents

  6. Political climate stirs little investment in the neighborhood

  7. High pressure on homeowners to sell properties with increasing scams by those seeking to buy properties from elderly homeowners

  8. Illegal squatters

  9. Non-kept lawns, backyards, garages, street corners and vacant structures

  10. Neighborhood members disconnected from education resources that reduces support of leaders, teachers, parents, and programs

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